During the long slow-downs and lock-downs of the year, Artemis Fontana organized a secret ciné-club after the curfew in PB studio in Paris. Each time, an artist or a curator was invited to host the intimate evening of their choice around films, music, performances and of course food.
inviting :
John Fou
Martha Kirszenbaum
Anna Frera
Jimin Park

On 2nd of February, the artist John Fou proposed a relaxing session with his chanting bowl, we then had veggie curry while doing cadavre-exquis before watching “the Sorcerer” by William Friedkin from 1977.

On 18th of February, we had a mexican feast to celebrate Pauline Beaudemont’s birthday while musician Samson Baya enchanted us with a Los Angeles playlist and curator Martha Kirszenbaum selected a Los Angeles special video selection (Agnes Varda, Kenneth Anger, Laure Prouvost, David Lynch, Kahlil Joseph and Kendrick Lamar).

On 5th of March, the curator Anna Frera proposed that we watched Zoë Marden’s “Mermania ~ Tales of Tentacularity” while slurping on seafood delicacies before we watched “The Lure” made in 2015 by Agnieszka Smoczynska.

On 4th of April, the artist Jimin PArk proposed a listening session of traditional korean chants, a poetry workshop and a home made korean food feast before watching Lee-Chang Dong “Poetry”.