Opening reception 12th. OCT 2019
show runs until 3rd. NOV 2019


Saâdane Afif
Jean-Baptiste Bouvet Pauline Curnier Jardin Emilie Ding
Claude Eigan
Julie Favreau
Paul Ferens
Charlotte Herzig
Clémence de La Tour du Pin Xavier Mazzarol
Adrien Missika
Aude Pariset
Antoine Renard
Ramaya Tegegne
Niels Trannois

The Asian-owned clothes and cheap jewellery wholesalers left altogether the Popincourt neighbourhood, in the centre of Paris, for the suburbs a few years ago. This move has opened one of the last non-gentrified areas of the city to commercial diversification. The artist-run-space Artemis Fontana is located in one of these abandoned shops, where it runs not-for-profit activities economically unconceivable elsewhere in Paris. It is situated in a deadlock of the globalized market of art and retail. The presentation of artists’ jewelleries fantasizes a reciprocity with the capitalisation movement of luxury houses, which invests in art, and whose products are copied, reproduced and counterfeited by the Chinese mass production industries. These loops and spirals adorn the contemporary modes of exchange. One of them is the migration wave of artists to a low-cost libertarian European capital and the comeback of their productions in a gentrified neighbourhood during an international art fair sponsored by a high-end jeweller.

The exhibition Der Ringshowcases pieces of jewellery created by 15 French-speaking artists based in Berlin, with whom the curators have mixed. The exhibition’s problematic is located in the question of relation. The relation between the skin and the jewellery, be it symbolical, erotic or dysfunctional. The partially re-enacted modernist relationship between the patron and the artist, exemplified by Peggy Guggenheim, for whom Alexander Calder created earrings. The political, economic and desire relation art is part of, that precious and more humble jewelleries hyperbolically emphasize.

A catalogue was produced specifically for the show. It contains a photo shooting of all the works worn by the curators and close friends of Artemis Fontana.

Sylvain Menétrey

Antoine Renard

Untitled (Blue Ring), 2018 (Encre sur aluminium)

Clémence de La Tour du Pin

de gauche à droite

Toile en Hélice et fils avertisseurs, 2019 (Tissus, photographie, dessin sur papier, scotch, cordon de velours)

Bib of rebirth, 2019 (Fils, sabots de vache, tissu, pierre)

Hommage à Raoni, 2019 (Ancien col, tissus, plumes, fil, argile)

Medjugorje, with flower, 2019 (Tissu, latex, argile, chapelet)

Claude Eigan

Flamboyant Debris, 2019 (Polystyrène, résine, plâtre, peinture, vernis, corde) 70 x 30 x 30

Emilie Ding

House of Streaming Emotions, 2019 (Cuivre)


Julie Favreau

Fleshsssss, 2019 (Résine epoxy, silicone, résine polymère)

Paul Ferens

Closing awareness, 2019 (Capuche de sweat-shirt, rivets)

Aude Pariset

Promession®, Brosche Mehlwurm & Schmetterling, 2019 (Tissu TNT, paillettes, film PVC, larves de ténébrions meuniers)

Adrien Missika

Pour Agnès, 2019 (Patate en forme de coeur, écrin en bois marouflé de papier simili autruche, ouate, satin, encre titanium)

Charlotte Herzig

Hélichryse #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7, 2019 (Mousse, élastique)

Xavier Mazzarol

X Project (3g), 2011-en cours (Or 24 carats)

Niels Trannois

Leigh, 2019 (Porcelaine, crin de cheval, métal chromé)

Pauline Curnier Jardin

La Gole Amorevole, 2019 (Cigarettes, rouge à lèvre, inox et acier)

Ramaya Tegegne

Brays/Schlingelhoffs, 2018 (Deux colliers plaqués or)

Jean-Baptiste Bouvet

En pensant à Sand Dune 1983, 2019 (Pastel à l’huile sur métal)

Claude Eigan

Supper Host, 2019 (Céramique émaillée, cuir, métal)

Saâdane Afif

The Antonym Series, 2017
(Colliers avec deux pendentifs) Natur–Kultur & Penis-Vagina